Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Come and Take it

"We view ourselves on the eve of battle. We are nerved for the contest, and must conquer or perish. It is vain to look for present aid: none is at hand. We must now act or abandon all hope! Rally to the standard, and be no longer the scoff of mercenary tongues! Be men, be free men, that your children may bless their father's name." - Sam Houston

As I was driving home from church today I found myself listening to conservative talk radio, as is my custom on Wednesday nights. I was listening and heard Chris Krok on air. He was livid to the point of standing up in the studio nearly screaming about the injustice that is happening in this nation.

The topic at hand was Senator Royce West's statements in March regarding the Trayvon Martin case.

Sen. West stated at a rally, "I’m going to ask the Lt. Governor to have the Criminal Justice Committee of the Senate study the Castle Doctrine in light of the Trayvon Martin assassination in Florida.”

Remember Goliad!

This Texas senator from Dallas is challenging the very fabric of what makes us Texans. The reason Texas even exists as a state at all is because we have a passion to stand up for what is right. Instead of the sentiment that has been stated by some that we as citizens are obligated to run, instead as a nation we should be obligated to stand up and fight for what is right!

While I am not in agreement with what Mr. Zimmerman has done and I am in full support of the Murder 2 conviction that he has received; I am APPALLED to see that people, including Sen. West, are comparing the Trayvon Miller case to a clean cut self defense case here in Dallas. Using sensationalism and the emotional turmoil caused by the racial issues related to a completely unrelated case in Florida.

Remember the Alamo!

Our country is changing, we are on the verge of losing the rights that make us American. While West himself admits, "There’s no way in the world we are going to do away with the Castle Law in the state of Texas," his actions are stating that he actually believes the opposite. He is not only of the opinion that the doctrine should be changed, he is actively trying to overturn this doctrine.

Read the case that Sen. West is challenging.

A man is being attacked in his home, he defends himself and now is having to defend himself in front of a grand jury. This goes against everything that we as Texans AND as Americans have stood for since the founders signed the Declaration of Independence. They were signing it in defiance of the British tyranny and then many of them died defending their homes.

Unfortunately, the loss of rights have become more and more common place in today's society. Unless we as citizens stand up to protect ourselves from tyranny, we will find ourselves in society that is not unlike modern day North Korea.We need to put aside racial issues and stand together in defense of our country.

Remember, the wise words of Rosa Parks "Stand for something or you will fall for anything. Today's mighty oak is yesterday's nut that held its ground."