Yoo-hoo chocolate drink is by far the best beverage that has ever existed. Often when I write I will not be able to continue until I have made the trip to a local grocery store to grab at least a six pack of yoo-hoo and some Little Debbie snacks.
It is no secret that college students frequently eat unhealthy snack food and highly caffeinated beverages during late nights cramming for exams, papers, and the like. But not one of those midnight snackers can compare with yoo-hoo.
For those who are unfamiliar with the drink, yoo-hoo is a wonderful chocolate milk alternative.
According to the company's official website, the drink got it's start in the early 1920's by a man named Natale Olivieri, owner of a bottling company in New Jersey which made fruit drinks.
Olivieri believed if he could create a chocolate drink that would not spoil in the bottle, it would be a major success. After many experiments, he finally found the correct mix of natural flavorings and bottling methods, and yoo-hoo chocolate drink was born. Today yoo-hoo is still headquartered in New Jersey and is bottled and sold throughout the United States.
Yoo-hoo is often label as a chocolate milk alternative. Some critics point out that it does not traditionally score well on purely taste-based chocolate milk comparisons. It is true that good chocolate milk is very tasty and does taste more like itself than does yoo-hoo. However, leave milk on the counter for a day in an unopened container and come back and taste it then, or leave a chocolate milk in the refrigerator for over a month and try it again. Now do the same thing with a yoo-hoo.
Compare the two again.
Does the milk taste different? Yoo-hoo doesn't.
Yoo-hoo not only boasts of no preservatives and no left-over growth hormones from some mistreated cow, its nutritional facts blow away opponents.
When compared against any of the most popular chocolate milks or soft drinks on college campuses yoo-hoo stands strong. Common sodas and energy drinks are loaded with calories and mass amounts of sugar and caffeine. Chocolate milk is high in fat, calories, cholesterol and sugar. Yoo-hoo, however, not only has fewer calories and less sugar than sodas, energy drinks and chocolate milk but also is 99 percent caffeine free and 99 percent fat free.
Yoo-hoo is a delicious alternative to the usual junk drinks that are consumed on a daily basis. So, next time tempted with the high in sugar high in caffeine drinks or fatty calorie stuffed milk, reach for a yoo-hoo instead. Don't forget to shake it.
I love it. Very informative. Only you could make me enjoy a whole article on Yoo-hoo (a drink I don't)
To be fair i haven't had it in a long time. So was this is the Bells or just a free style piece?
I'm really not familiar with the brand although I'll try to find some of this in the grocery store.
Haley McAdams
Bartending Certification
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