Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Soon Everyone, Like Fools In Sin, Have Nothing Except for themSelveS

By Terrynce Caleb McKeown & D. Stuart Platt

Selfishness is the root cause of every action,
It’s the love of one’s self and the hatred of everything
It’s the reason we eat and drink in a redundant pattern of excess
The reason children cry in the night & why husbands cheat on their wives.
It’s the cause of pain and hunger in 3rd world’s you’ll read about in the news
It’s the fall of mankind in and of it’s self
I know this because it’s the reason behind my next action
I sit alone at a table, staring down at the glass of false courage that’s half empty
I’ve waited a while, courage is hard to muster when your only friend is a loaded pistol.
A picturesque slideshow of things past, flow methodically through my brain like a bad documentary,
And everything passes so slowly that I wish I could just get this over with.
Yet in reality not a second has passed since this slideshow began.
An image of my Mother crosses the screen, I hit pause
I can’t imagine the look on her face when she sees my “poor course of action”
All over the ceiling and walls
Or my Father after viewing the crime scene that once represented the life he rejected
No doubt he’ll forget my existence after a visit from his best friends Jack and Jim
Hit play, my friends, they won’t notice I’ve gone until their object of ridicule is no longer present for the sole purpose of their enjoyment
They feel bad for a moment and sit back remembering their acquaintance
Whom they assumed was their friend,
Until some new freshmen comes along and they again have an object of amusement for their short lived attention spans
The film is almost finished, it was so short most people thought it was still in the beginning stages…
But then, they weren’t really paying attention were they?
Each empty greeting is a silent farewell address, a symbolic gesture of their apathy.
As I have said, Selfishness will kill
I reach for the Colt and pull back the hammer, the last noise I hear is both quick and effective
A light flashes before my eyes, a glimpse of what could have been if only I’d made different choices… if only…
My body goes limp as it hurls itself backwards, the darkness engulfs me as I fall towards the silence that awaits
The room is still and the air is thick.
Very soon the sound of latent sobs will be the only thing that’s heard all around the blocks where I once resided.
Selfishness is the root cause of every action
And as actor with curtains closed, my act is finished

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