Thursday, December 31, 2009

Notepad rant

I'm a little obsessed with notepad of late.
I Love that it reminds me of a type writer.
With technology booming, it reminds me of a simpler time.
Strange what is considered old or antique in this world.
I think it's the font.

Maybe it's the fact that this little program can do so much
It can simply be used to write a note. Or write HTML code,
or write a program. Yes technically you need something else
to run it but you could still write it here.
There's so much in life that is taken for granted.
Money, Food, Clothing, Water, Healthcare, Freedom, Family,
friendship, generosity, goodness, Love...

In today's western society, we have this sense of entitlement
that if left unchecked will be the demise of our culture.
Sporting Coaches are fired for speaking too harshly,
Hitting some one who deserves it could send you to jail.
Not warning someone that what they are doing could be harmful
could end with you paying them millions of dollars for their stupidity

We need the newest and best of everything, no matter what.
House, Cars, clothes, food, make-up, entertainment, even lightbulbs.
When did things like books go out of style?
or when did learning get replaced with test scores?

Our government was elected by promising the American people that
if they are elected all of our dreams will come true.
That we'll never want for anything, That without earning it we'll
be given everything. and what's worse we think we deserve it!
Our "money for nothing and our chicks for free"

When did we forget? There's no such thing as free.
There always has been and always will be a price!
The price of freedom has been lives lost.
The price of our dreams is sacrifice and dedication.

You cannot lie down and expect everyone and everything to cater to you
it doesn't work that way. Life doesn't work that way.
People want fair, LIFE'S NOT FAIR!
People want easy, LIFE'S NOT EASY!

There will always be a struggle,
there will always be a fight of good vs. evil.
There will always be the decision between hard and easy
And the result of Easy will never be as good as hard.

Unless something drastic changes, America will go the way of Greece
and Rome before her. I have heard the statement,
"If America was to fight for its Independence from England today,
we'd still be part of the UK." and conversely that same statement
restated of WWI and WWII.

But, I must believe that it is untrue.
I must believe that there are enough good men still left in this
country that would stand strong in the face of oppression.
Many of them I believe have been to Iraq and back.

My prayer is that we will finally come to our senses as a nation.
and that good men will no longer be silent in the face of
foolishness and tyranny.

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