So... after about a year and a half on hiatus (Yes I spelled it right) I have decided to pick this back up. Not because I think I have any readers or I am trying to change the world, but because I miss it. So look out world I am going to attempt to blog once a week (at least) for one year. I am trying to come up with some series and themes so that I don't get bored and so that if anyone comes across this blog they might be interested. The most recent change to the iPlatt blog you may have noticed is the addition of some older posts. This is because I decided to get rid of the other blogs I had (that I had also been ignoring) and put it all in one place. I hope that none of the old poetry/whiny/depressing literature below has not deterred any one. This blog will now take on the personality of its author and not take itself too seriously. :)
Stay tuned more to come!!!!
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